Educators implement effective planning, instruction, assessment and reporting practices to create respectful, inclusive environments for student learning and development.

  • Educators have the knowledge and skills to facilitate learning for students, including learning experiences that reflect individual contexts and local environments. Educations value collaborative practice. Educators recognize and understand the interconnectedness of all aspects of teaching and learning and employ a variety of instructional and assessment strategies. Educations communicate effectively in English or French, Educators know when to seek support for their practice and for students.

Ms. Georgelin displayed many strengths already as a Teacher Candidate.  I feel her most outstanding skills lie in her […] forethought and thorough per-planning of lesson implementation steps.

 Ms. Georgelin took the time to really think out all the steps of her lessons.  I could tell that she was preparing for what was to come and methodically going through the steps in order to ensure the smoothest delivery possible.  If she was teaching something that she did not know, she would practice with it (ex. The digital components of UFLI Foundations) to ensure that she knew what she was doing.

Janine Hamming

My coaching teacher, Janine Hamming, included the above statement in her report of my teaching during my February-March practicum. During this practicum, there were many students with diverse needs in my class, so careful forethought on how to deliver a lesson that is meaningful and realistic for as many students as possible was imperative. If I wasn’t sure how to meaningfully include a specific student, I made a point of seeking advice from my coaching teacher, recognizing that teaching is a collaborative practice.